Cicero Meets Podcasting
Salvete omnes, today I want to talk about you about introducing podcasts into your classroom. Now I know what you are thinking. “But Brittany, why should I give podcasting the time of day when I can look up videos on a variety topics on YouTube? What’s the difference between the two?”

The first and possibly biggest point of each one is that anyone can view and create either a YouTube video or podcast. This means that there is a wide variety of videos and podcasts available for users to explore. The second similarity between the two is the ability to subscribe. So if you find a YouTube channel or a podcast that consistently puts out content you enjoy, then you can subscribe to that channel or site and receive notifications about when new content becomes available.
The only difference between the two is the ability to download a podcast onto a computer or mobile device; though it was argued by my IT department that you can also download content from Youtube but the process seem to be unnecessarily complicated. This means that with podcasts you don't need constant access to the web to watch or listen to the content. I think that this is a really important feature in favor of podcasting. Because even in our ever-evolving technological world where we hope all our students will have access to the internet, podcasting helps us plan for the students who might not have reliable access to the internet.
During my research for this post, I found a podcast series by Latinitium, which is one of the Edubloggers I follow. Their content ranges from particular subjects and Latin expressions, to authors, specific literature, and tips for learning Latin. All of their content is presented in Latin. So naturally I explored how I would incorporate this in my classroom.

This was pretty cool. Another use might be just for kids to hear spoken Latin. Even at a lower level, hearing spoken Latin can be interesting for them because they think it is a "dead" language. I like sometimes to put up things in Latin and have them see if they can pick out any words that they know to prove to them that they know more then they think they do. This is something more of a 9th or 10th grade thing but it is something you can do for fun. You can pick something that has vocab for the unit you are doing or a culminating unit. Great choice of podcast.